Once upon a time there lived a poor old fisherman and his wife in a hut on the shore of the blue sea. The fisherman loved nothing more than to leave the hut each day and escape his nagging wife to go fishing. One day he caught a small golden fish in his net. The fish begged for his freedom and promised the old fisherman that he would give him anything he desired if his life was spared. The fisherman was amazed and even frightened when he heard the fish speak because, well...he'd never heard a fish speak. He let the fish go and said kindly to her, "God bless you, golden fish. I don't need anything from you." The poor old fisherman went home and told his wife the wonderful thing that had happened to him at the shore. But she cursed him angrily and called him a fool. "At least you could have asked for a watering-trough, since ours is broken" she yelled. The old man reluctantly returned to the seashore and called out to the golden fish. She swam up and asked, "What do you need kind old man?" He humbly bowed his head and replied that his wife cursed at him because she needed a new trough. The fish promised to grant his wish. When the fisherman returned home he saw the new trough. But his wife cursed him again, "You are such a fool! Go back to the fish! Ask for a new house. The one we live in is disgusting!" Again, the fisherman went back to the sea and he called the fish, who swam up to where he was standing. He apologized and said that his selfish wife wanted a new house. The fish comforted him and promised to fulfill his wish. When he returned, he saw a lovely new cottage. But his ungrateful wife shouted even louder, "You are such a fool! Go back to the fish! I want be a noblewoman!" Dragging his feet, the poor old fisherman went to the sea. It looked like a storm was approaching. The waves were beginning to rise and beat on the shore, and the sky had become dark. He called the golden fish, who swam up and asked him what he wanted. He bowed humbly and pleaded, "Don't be angry, Your Majesty Golden Fish. My wife has gone mad; she wants be a noblewoman." The fish comforted him. And what an amazing site awaited him when he arrived home! The hut had become a great mansion. His wife was wearing very expensive clothing. She had on pearl and diamond necklaces and gold rings. There were many servants bustling around her. She hit and slapped them. The fisherman said, "Greetings, Milady, I hope you are satisfied now." Instead of answering him, she ordered him off to live in the stable. Several weeks later, the wife ordered her husband to appear before her and instructed him to go to the sea again, saying, "How can I be happy if I am still subject to the rule of those above me! I want be queen!" The old man, frightened and bewildered said, "Are you crazy, woman? You have no concept of courtly manners and graces. You will be the laughing stock of everyone." These words infuriated his wife and she slapped his face and ordered him to obey. At his wife's insistence, the old man went down to the seashore. The water was tossing, the sky and sea had become almost black. He called the golden fish. When she swam to the shore, he bowed and said that his wife now wanted to be queen. The fish comforted him and let him go home. To his surprise, when the fisherman arrived, he found a great palace and inside his wife was seated on a throne. Noblemen were her servants. Guards stood all around her. The old man was terrified of who she had become, but approached the queen and said, "Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope you are happy now." She did not even acknowledge him and her guards drove him out. Weeks later the queen sent for the old fisherman and again ordered him to go to the sea to ask the golden fish to become her servant and make her Empress of Land and Sea. The fisherman was so terrified of her that he did not even protest. He submissively went back to the sea. A terrible storm was raging there, with lightning, thunder, and giant waves crashing against the shore. The old man yelled out to the fish and the fish rose out of the magnificent waves. He explained to her what his wife wanted now. This time the golden fish did not reply, but turned and swam away out to sea. After waiting a long time in vain for any answer, the fisherman returned home, where he found his old mud hut, his poor old wife and a broken trough in front of her.