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Main » 2010 » January » 5 » Obstacle obtains opportunity.
5:00 PM
Obstacle obtains opportunity.
Obstacle obtains opportunity.
I love the letter "O” because it’s very familiar with my life. At the first sign when people look at me, they always say: "you’re so chubby” or Balloon girl, Bubble girl. First time actually I felt very upset and disappointed, but real life made me change. When all the girls are trying to be slimmer, I still stand at the standard from the time sitting at high school until now. Actually I also want to be slimmer, but so ashamed to say that nothing works with me. However I can’t be slim, I get more than what i desire. I think the best way to get out of my sorrows is helping others to get out of their. So let me share with you a story.

Once upon a time, at the kingdom there was a king who was very curious about people’s life, decided to get outfit like civilian to go outside. He put a block of stone in the middle of the road where there were many people passing through. He didn’t intend to oblige them to carry it out, but he wanted to know how they reacted offhand with the obstacles which they suddenly met on their path. After finishing preparing everything, he hid nearby there to be an observer. Many people looking very rich, polite and overdress passed through. But they only complained that the stone obstructed the road, and it was regarded as an obnoxious thing. Moreover they offended the king that he didn’t let people to clean the road, and didn’t care about civilian’s life. However obviously instead of complaint they just omitted the stone there, they preferred to go around rather than they pushed it out of the way. Finally there was a poor farmer who went back from the market, brought a lot of vegetables in the basket. Looking at the stone, he put the basket down and tried to push the stone out. People who passed through, laughed at the officious farmer and no one stopped to help him. After many efforts, eventually he got success. Once the stone was out of the road, he found a bag at the place that the stone lied on. He opened the bag , there were a lot of gold and money inside and 1 piece of paper that was written that all the things inside the bad was for the person who got the stone out of the road. The farmer deserved to have all that coz he understood 1 matter which others refused to get: EACH OBSTACLE OBTAINS 1 OPPORTUNITY FOR EACH PERSON.

I don’t know what you guys get from this story, but for me it’s a lesson : Don’t flick out of sight, let’s face to the problem and solve it and you’ll see each obstacle obtains 1 opportunity. May be someone will ask me why I don’t try to get slimmer, it’s also a solution. Yeah truly I have to tell that I have been trying to face that problem for a long time, acceptance is also considered as a solution, and absolutely it works with me. Anyway slimming is just the reason I want get you guys in my story: 3O – Obstacle obtains opportunity.

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